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Feel That Wintery Shift

Feel That Wintery Shift


Feel That Wintery Shift

Welcome Winter! Well, not quite. But the wintery shift is definitely upon us. Coats, boots, hot water bottles, extra blanket on the bed - it has begun. Personally, I am pretty excited. I love the colder weather, any excuse to be wrapped up like a snuggly little creature works just fine by me. There is only one problem...

As soon as the weather starts changing I, like a lot of people I have spoken to this week, seem to come down with the dreaded cold. NOTHING fun about having a cold, even if you need time off work, if you're anything like me, you just sit around wishing you could remember what it feels like to breathe through your nose. Why didn't I appreciate the simple bliss of clear sinuses when I had them?! 

A few simple things like upping your water intake, eating super healthy, washing your hands often (you don't want to be that person in your house who passes it on to everyone else), taking some time to slow down and rest, can really help cut your illness time down. But for some super-charged tips and tricks I have done some research for you. Just click the links below, and away you go.

JS Health by Jessica Sepel has a quick summery of her Top 5 Tip To Beat The Flu
Mind Body Green have two great articles on boosting your immunity. The first is Four Yoga Poses to get you started, and the second is a list of Simple Immunity Boosters you may have over looked.
The Happy Pear, who I have mentioned before on this blog, have some lovely little remedies that you can make at home. Their video is below.

I hope this helps you all stay tissue and cough-drop free as we head into the colder months! Happy electric blanket season everyone!


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